>Rich's recent question (from which I learned much) made me think that
>maybe there ought to be a "Slackware" category in the SBo repo.

>A "Slackware" category would contain applications that are useful only
>in Slackware. That is to say: there are applications that are useful
>across Linux, and then there are tools that are designed exclusively for
>Slackware (usually package management, often based on either Slackpkg or
>SBo). Tools that are useful in BOTH Linux and Slackware would *not*
>appear in this category.

>Here are some examples. See how many of them you knew existed, and how
>many you know about but think more people might need help finding:
>* sbopkg
>* sboui
>* sbbdep
>* slackpkg+
>* sport
>* sbotools
>* [insert your favourite obscure Slackware/SBo script or app here]

>It seems to me like hiding great Slackware-specific sys utils harms
>discoverability, and mixing them into other, broader categories serves
>no purpose anyway. Sure, sboui might be a System tool, but let's face
>it: it's a Slackware "addon" that nobody knows to look for, and it's not
>just a system tool, it's a Slackware tool. Why not create a category we
>can all go to when we have questions like Rich's, and see what cool
>script or application one of our colleagues has written to scratch the

>Can anyone think of a reason this would be harmful, or not helpful?


* https://github.com/zanculmarktum/sbomake
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