On 1/2/20 12:41 AM, Robby Workman wrote:
Hello all,

TL;DR version: if you would like to see any of the scripts on the
following list stay around, please step up to maintain them.


Reply with which script you want, how you want to be listed in
the .info file, and what email address you want listed there.

Longer version: we're coming to terms with the fact that we
simply don't have the personnel or the time to maintain all of
the scripts here ourselves, so we (translation: B. Watson) ran
through a got some lists of stuff that hasn't had any recent
commits by their listed maintainers. The list posted above is
NOT all of them - it's only the first batch (we're trying to keep
this in bite-sized chunks). We don't have a specific timeline
in mind at this point, but I'm thinking that any of these not
claimed within a month or so will be removed from the repo.

As always, thanks to our community for your support over the


    Sadly lots of good builds on there, including some I depend on (beep,dictd,nut,xinput_calibrator,maybe:barrier,gksu,sshpass,tunctl.) I also don't want to see fbpic,mtpaint or any mathematical, some/most/all graphics SlackBuilds die... and there's probably more general/system/network than I can imagine that would be bad if disappeared.     However, since last year (needing proprietary display/video/graphics/GPU-compute drivers) I had to switch to something bad for my main desktop, and am only using Slackware on servers and secondary PCs like laptops... so I don't want to jump into taking over any packages as it'd be harder for me to test. However if some of the above aren't taken over by the time limit (or if Slackware stable can't easily run OpenCL for AMD Radeon RX Vega yet) I'd like a chance to take on some.     I thought a lot of people using classic/desktop PCs and/or servers would depend both on beep (for PC speaker) and nut (Network UPS Tools)... those are probably the two most important builds on that list, but there are others.  If anyone has a touchscreen, like newer-style monitor or Wacom Cintiq drawing pad/LCD, you may need xinput_calibrator.  I've heard Barrier is good because it lets you use a keyboard & mouse across more than one PC (software KVM switch over a network.)  Sometimes, though it's bad to run X as root, you might need to run something as root within X but can't setup in X/KDE menu to run from terminal for some reason, and that's what programs like gksu help with, though I forgot if I actually need it anymore or if it (or alternatives) worked.  SSHPass came in handy in the past when I was forced to enter a password with a remote shell and wanted to automate that... but I managed to fix my SSH key so don't need SSHPass now... can come in handy though, and definitely would if you need to use a shell but they force passwords (some force both password and key!)  In the past I've set my desktop's extra ethernet port to provide Internet connection to my laptop, might used tunctl for that (or learned how, among various methods, don't know what's best.)  I love fbpic (displays images on framebuffer) and any good alternative paint program like mtpaint (to be able to do things like both classic MS Paint and Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, you need several graphics/paint programs on Slackware.)  I was just commenting on why I feel some of these builds are major, and why others might consider taking some on if they primarily use Slackware on a desktop or hardware server and think any are useful, and could test easily.     I don't really want to take on any network SlackBuilds, but if NUT isn't taken over (come on, isn't even some Slackware site server running on NUT... shouldn't it even be added to Slackware as known as a distribution excellent for servers, usually on an automated UPS?!) then I might have to... just don't know enough about networking.  I also feel cautious about taking on any system builds (usually complicated) but I consider beep more of a super-simple system/audio one (but I also feel it should be added to Slackware.)     As of me almost finishing this, I see gksu is no longer in the list (maybe some others also?) so I thank whoever is taking that/those over!     Sadly a friend of mine (has one or more builds on the list,) the guy who got me interested in IBM-compatible PCs, and programming, in the 1990s, may no longer be a maintainer... probably the most experienced CS/IT guy I know, but now he's stopped almost all that except for work and moved to focusing on personal development, social issues, or related things.  One or more of his builds is POSIX-standard so even though I haven't needed it (guess I won't unless I become a professional sysadmin) I'm sad to see that go...     As for mathematics ones, I or others should probably consider case-by-case basis, but even maybe comparing/contrasting any to the around 100+ mathematics programs listed in FSF's Free Software directory (directory.fsf.org <http://directory.fsf.org>.) One must ask, is it worth continuing mathematics software that hasn't had a sourcecode update in almost 10 years that's on SBo, or finding something newer from FSF's directory.  I'm an amateur mathematician so I install it all just because it's there, but I don't actually use much of it yet.  So if anyone uses it more, they should consider taking it over... also check out that directory (if you're trying to find good Free/Libre/Opensource Software, FLOSS, not just maths, that needs a SlackBuild.)

DavidChmelik.com <http://DavidChmelik.com> (currently down)
mirror.DavidChmelik.com <http://mirror.DavidChmelik.com> (updated first, most uptime)

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