One of the slackbuilds I look after has switched from waf to cmake. Unfortunately they have targetted cmake v 3.11 and have used features which are not available, or are broken in cmake 3.5.2 (the version that comes with slackware 14.2) Can anyone point me towards a way to include a newer local version of cmake, just for the slackbuild, or if they have other suggestions,
as I have not managed to get the build to work.
upstream have made heavy use of IMPORTED_TARGET in pkg_check_modules statements, and in a custom cmake Find module I can bypass the custom Find module and revert to pkgconfig, but I don't know how to do the equivalent of
pkg_check_modules(Gnome REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET
for example, without the "IMPORTED_TARGET" bit.
unfortunately, just removing IMPORTED_TARGET text from the dependencies file does not work. the slackbuild in question is xiphos for which I'm trying to get 4.2.1 to build. (  )

Thanks, Tim

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