On 10/17/20 3:34 PM, Dave Woodfall wrote:
> On 16/10/20 19:03,
> Heiko Rosemann <heiko.rosem...@web.de> put forth the proposition:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I recently ran across what looks like a small bug in OpenCASCADE's cmake
>> scripts, for example the one in
>> /usr/lib64/cmake/opencascade/OpenCASCADEFoundationClassesTargets-release.cmake
>> It seems to me like ${OCCT_INSTALL_BIN_LETTER} should not be in there,
>> for example in line 11:
>> "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib64\${OCCT_INSTALL_BIN_LETTER}/libTKernel.so.7.3.0"
>> This caused compilation errors for me when I tried installing FreeCAD
>> 0.18.4 on -current, but the files look the same on 14.2.
>> I'm not sure where the blame lies - OpenCASCADE upstream, our packaging
>> of OpenCASCADE or FreeCAD's searching for OpenCASCADE are my candidates.
>> Cheers,
>> Heiko
>> JFTR: Adding -DOCCT_CMAKE_FALLBACK=ON to FreeCAD's cmake option helps
>> FreeCAD compile - no idea about other software that might also depend on
> Heiko,
> Did you contact the maintainer about it?


thanks for the reminder. Without thinking about it, I assumed (probably
wrongly) the maintainer would be reading this list. I'm cc'ing him now.

> It might also be worth
> checking ponce's -current slackbuilds repo to see if this has been
> implemented.

That's what I'm using, actually creating PRs for it. It's just that this
time I found something which also affects 14.2, so I thought I'd also
mention it here.


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