On 13/11/20 14:41,
Slackbuilds Users <slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org> put forth the proposition:
> Hello list,
> I just tried to re-upload a new submission, protonvpn-cli.  The only change 
> is to add a missing dependency, docopt.  I get a "File exists; a submission 
> by the name 'protonvpn-cli' is already pending approval." error, so I assume 
> the submission failed?

Hi Erich,

You will need to remove the old submission before you can submit a
new one.  Submissions are usually checked and approved at the weekend
so your old one is still in the list.

You should have had an email when you submitted with the removal URL
and a removal code,


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come.
         --Friedrich Nietzsche
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