‌Le 2023-12-11 06:07, dchme...@gmail.com a écrit :
> If SlackBuilds.org (SBo) staff not only don't 'support'
> Slackware-current (I forgot) (some SBo maintainers including myself
> support Slackware-current) but don't want people discussing
> Slackware-current, then  shouldn't there be SlackBuilds-current-users
> / news:gmane.linux.slackware.slackbuilds.current.user?
>     I tried to make habit of writing '[Slackware-current]' in subject
> lines.  After over five years from Slackware 14.2 to 15, many/most
> people I know who do much with Slackware used Slackware-current
> several years, and so did I, which seemed stable enough 99+% the time,
> so I never switched back to Slackware-stable except spare PCs and
> chroots (SlackBuilding/testing, fallback). Slackware-current seems so
> stable that for years I often forgot I'm using it (more stable than
> Devuan/Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/KDE_Neon 'stable' versions I administer for
> users).
>     Things I post here recent years normally aren't problems/questions
> rather than what I repeatedly see from queues stopping early in sbopkg
> & sbotools, and wondering if anyone else saw (usually not stuff I use
> much/anytime yet, just testing). I didn't mean to waste anyone's
> time.  However, I don't want to have to use a web-forum rather than
> listserv/mailing-list/NNTP/Gmane.
> Sincerely,
> David Chmelik (abridged Melik)
> mirror.davidchmelik.com / mirror.davidchmelik.com/math/slackbuilds (most 
> uptime)
> davidchmelik.com / slackbuilds.davidchmelik.com (updates first)

The issue with SBo and -current is that current is a moving target.
We, at SBo, cannot make sure everything works on -current.
That would be each week on public updates, and each time -current has an update.
Who can do that ? There are truly as many -current versions of Slackware as 
there are public updates by Patrick Volkerdig and his team, and that is a lot 
of -current versions, because they doesn't tire easily !

Instead, we make sure scripts on SBo are working on stable Slackware, because 
that is doable : base is stable, only inter-dependance between updated 
slackbuilds needs to be checked, and that can be done on a script's update 
That is actually doable.
And yet, we are still not sure all scripts results in a working package.
That is the work of SBo maintainers.

That being said, I often also make sure my scripts are working on -current, 
even making some hacks for supporting both, sometimes.
I also often tries them on ARM or AARCH64, because I own such machines, and put 
Slackware on them.
As long as it works on stable x86, I can do more if I want to.

This means that sometime I cannot push an update, because 15.0 is too old.
We've had workarounds on Python's packages, with setuptools-opt for example.

That is what is meant by SBo doesn't support -current.
And that does absolutely not mean that this can't be a basis for a -current set 
of slackbuilds, which is a job handled by Ponce.
And his method of communication is through LQ.
Which means that LQ is the place for discussing -current problems.
This mailing list serves the purpose of making sure SBo on stable works, which 
is the foundation of Ponce's repository.
I'd go as far as saying that Ponce rely on the work we do here, for doing his 
own work : he can't handle all the updates and testing we do here, and besides 
most of them are working nicely on whatever Slackware version you're on.
As much as we throughly rely on Patrick's job to provide us with a stable fully 
functional, and properly patched, Slackware stable release.

You don't mean to bother Patrick with broken slackbuilds on -current ?
Then here is not the place for it either.

I'm sorry that LQ doesn't suit you, you'd have to talk with Ponce about that, 
maybe he'd be open for other ways of communication, I certainly would not go 
about that behind his back!

All that being said, if you need help with your own slackbuilds, for making 
them work as well on -stable and -current, you could ask questions here about 
the right way for your script to handle both.
Just not about how to make a script work on -current, that's not the place for 
an answer about that.

 - Yth.
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