On Jan 17, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Carlo Wood wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 10:52:39AM -0500, Elio Maggini wrote:
>> This issue prevents notecards from being saved in object with no trans is 
>> set.
>> Perhaps with enough votes it will be addressed.
>> http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4937
> My God, that was reported in October??
> It's the kind of bug that I'd have stayed up for in
> the weekend to try and fix it within a day, if I worked
> for LL.

Weekend fixes have an annoying tendency to come back and bite us, which is why 
we have a policy not to do deploys of code on weekends except in special cases.

In addition, the permissions system is big, deep, and fragile, with high 
potential for unforeseen consequences. From the description, I'm guessing that 
this bug is related to a security fix we did during the fall that required the 
focused time of several of our best engineers. Despite that level of attention, 
we missed it anyway. This bug has been triaged internally and is in the work 
queue. I expect it will get a similar level of focus when it rises to the top 
of the queue.

Voting for it can sometimes help push it to the top of the queue faster, but 
voting is not the only factor we take into account.


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