Hi Tayra,

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Tayra Dagostino

> there is something strange with SLPlugin, after some hours and a lot of
> profile or search open/close there are from 4 to 6 child in memory, all
> loading 100% all cpu cores.... one solution provided some time ago by
> Opensource Obscure was a nice "killall SLPlugin", a warning appear
> inside viewer but all work after (for other couple hours), i think
> there is something hidden may cause problem, in this list we talk about
> but nobody can diagnose correctly this behaviour.....
> none of Linden seen this bad effect?

This is the kind of stress test I don't go through so, please, log it to
Snowglobe and link it back to the meta plugin issue:

- Merov
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