This looks like a very useful feature. +1


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Jacek Antonelli <
> wrote:

> I've submitted a patch to SNOW-436 (formerly VWR-9597). Merov would
> like to have a discussion on SLDev about it, so... here it is. :)
> The patch adds a new text input field on the Pay Resident floater,
> where the user can type in a custom message that will appear in the
> transaction history. For example, you could type in "Rent for January"
> when paying your landlord, so they (and you) will know what the
> payment was for when looking at the transaction history later.
> The patch is very simple and requires no changes to the server side or
> protocol, because they already have support for such a message. The
> viewer was just leaving it empty in the case of paying a person
> directly. When buying or paying an object, the message was (and still
> is) set to the name of the object. I have set an arbitrary limit of
> 140 characters on the input field, but I didn't see any defined limit
> in the protocol, so that limit could be adjusted if desired.
> I believe there is minimal potential for abuse with this feature. The
> worst I could think of is tricking a merchant into thinking you
> bought/paid an object, by using the object's name as the message. If
> the merchant was not aware of this feature, and did not notice that
> the transaction type was "Gift" (instead of "Object Sale" or
> "Payment"), AND did not notice that the price paid was too little,
> then they might be convinced to give you a "replacement". To combat
> that, LL may want to consider formatting or styling the message
> differently for Gifts. LL should also publicize this change when it
> rolls out, so that merchants will be aware of it, and thus be less
> likely to be fooled.
> Currently, the patch does not cause the viewer to display the message
> when you receive a payment with a message, so the message is only
> displayed in the transaction history. But this would be a useful and
> natural enhancement to make, so if anyone feels like tackling that (it
> shouldn't be very hard), I would encourage them to do so.
> - Jacek
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Jeroen Frans
Virtual World Technology Specialist.
SL: Frans Charming
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