I got the suggestion to add some more details.

Map API documentation page

current Map API was released on Jan 15, 2009

Philip's post

some excerpts from the wiki page:

The map generation process is more scalable than the
 previous release, and is able to image the entire Second 
Life grid of about 30,000 regions in less than two days.

There is a "decay period" for offline regions. If a 
region is disabled, the tile will stay up for several 
days (in case it comes back or something else has gone 
wrong) before the tile disappears. That several-day 
period will be longer than the time it takes to 
update existing regions or put new regions on the map.

Map images are updated more accurately and rapidly. 
Changes to the Second Life Grid or content will now 
be visible within about two days.

Map images look smoother and are more accurate 
when compared to the actual in-world content.

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