BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }
 Mike - that is exactly what I would expect.  Each surface displaying
the media texture even now is displaying a rendered view of a browser
running on that client.  Hence sending mouse/keyboard to that
in-memory plugin/browser instance on just your cliient is identical
to having a browser open and clciking/typing in it.  Just happening
on your machine.  And then through the javascript engines and server
side code behind the drawing packages the resulting drawing events /
vectors/objects are distributed to the other browsers (media
textures) showing the same web page.  My question is an always has
been about if this is really going to be part of the plan - capturing
mouse/keyboard for a media textured prim surface without opening a
flat 2D window, and if so how will focus be managed?
 On Wed 27/01/10  7:10 PM , Mike Monkowski
 Neil Canham wrote:
 > So will / does the 
 > new WebKit-based plugin accept keyboard/mouse input from the
actual 3D 
 > surface without opening a 2D browser?
 My understanding is that it is only possible if the 3D surface uses
 parcel media texture, and then the keyboard/mouse information is
 only to your own plugin process.
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