It is not in notifications.xml. If it were, I wouldn't need to ask
about this on the list. :)

(The phrase "paid you" is found in only two files in the viewer:
llinventory/lltransactionflags.cpp as I mentioned, and in
newview/llpanelgrouplandmoney.cpp, which is used only by the group
land/finances history.)

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Mike Monkowski
<> wrote:
> Is this notification text not in skins/default/xui/en-us/notifications.xml
> and localized in skins/default/xui/*/notifications.xml?
> Jacek Antonelli wrote:
>> Could a Linden confirm that the notification text is indeed generated
>> server side?
>> If so, would it be feasible to shift that to client side? That is,
>> have the server send the payer name/UUID, money amount, and the custom
>> message ("description") to the viewer, and let the viewer format the
>> notification text?
>> It seems like that would be a good idea anyway, because then "paid
>> you" could be localized, too. :)
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