heber lima schrieb:
> hi..
> I am new ,
Welcome to SLDev! :-)

> i think this is for devolpers list... am i correct?

> What is the job that will do here?
We discuss "software development issues related to Second Life." (See
https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/SLDev) This is the main mailing list of
Second Life's FLOSS developer community. Because only the client code is
fully open, most discussions here are about client development. As of
recently, the focus was mainly on Snowglobe
(https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Snowglobe), Linden Lab's own open
source viewer project.

Most third party viewers with large enough audience and/or developer
teams have their own mailing lists and/or forums, though some of their
devs are usually lurking and commenting here, too.

Also, this list isn't our only channel, see
https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Developer_communication_tools for IRC,
bug tracker, forum, inworld meetings ...

> please i need some directions...
What would you like to do? If you're not sure yet, have a look at
https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Source_Portal and

> more single..

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