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The following page has been changed by DarrenHartford:

New page:

Slide Simple Document Archive subproject.

Jakarta-Slide is designed and built to be a library/component to something 
larger. In and of itself jakarta-slide is not useful to most people that are 
'users'. In addition, jakarta-slide is rather large, complex, and at times 
rather abstract making it difficult to implement a solution based on 

Slide.SDA is a suggested subproject whereby an application is built on top of 
Jakarta-Slide that shows its immediate usefulness as well as be an example 

Simple Document Archive - Why Document Archive instead of 'Document 
Management'?  Because you get 5 people to talk about Document Management you 
will get 7 different versions of what 'Document Management' entails, and it 
will usually entail some type of workflow/signoff/checkin/checkout that most 
base usecases do not need.  Document Archive, in my opinion, consists of:

 * Storing a binary file (a TIFF or PDF is the often use-case).
 * Storing searchable data related to that file (such as names, client id's, 
 * A graphical UI for a user to search for that file and view it, retrieve it, 

Some more detailed back-end explanations include:

 * Digital preservation - keep the data in such a fashion that 10 years from 
now it could be easily retrieved (i.e. file-based storage in XML metadata and 
binary file).
 * Allow for archival off and retrieval from CD/DVD.
 * Allow for cross-searching of multiple 'stores' (usecase: 10 CD's of data).

Sample Usecase:  Fax Images

This usecase is based on a company recieving 2,000 faxes a day - enough that 
you would want a better way to manage and archive the data.  Whether it's 
Sarb-Ox, HIPAA, or some other regulation, you are required to keep every fax 
you ever get and keep some data related to the fax for easy retrieval. Also, 
you have an Accounting Department, a Marketing Department, and a couple others 
that recieve a good portion of these faxes and rather than handing paper around 
would like a better way to search and view faxes they get (no workflow, just 
search and view).

Since most fax software (assume hylafax, Rightfax, Telcom, or a dozen other 
ones) allow for exporting a TIFF image format and some type of CSV or similar 
datafile, we will move forward that there are TIFF images and already DATA we 
can use.


 * faxreceivenum it was received from.
 * faxtonum it was called into (or DID number, or other identifier saying 'go 
to this department' or 'to this person').
 * company that made the fax based on caller-id or DB/file-lookup based on 
 * receivedate is the date the fax came in.

Now, going back to the use-case, you want to keep all this DATA with each fax 
TIFF image.  Hmm....what free software out there can do this already with an 
open, documented protocol that both the protocol and the software are not 
OS-specific and will keep this data in a non-proprietary format so that 10 
years from now I can get back to it?  Jakarta-Slide!  

Implementation ideas:

 * File-based XML for metadata repository, use Lucence to speed up searching.
 * Allow for a 'FAX' Namespace to hold that related data as well as the default 
'DAV' for the DASL searching.
 * File-based object storage for the files.
 * Archive a 'store' by Month/Year based on receivedate (JAN04, FEB04, etc) to 
CD. Maybe sub-CD's for each department if they need their own.
 * Allow for searching across multiple stores that are mounted in Slide as a 
single group (all faxes) or by department (Accounting faxes).
 * Optional: versioning (not useful in this usecase, but would be for others).

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