Hi Eirikur, I've changed the behavior of the depth-limit parameter so
that a value of -1 signifies infinite depth. Sorry to hear this caused
you so much trouble.


Eirikur Hrafnsson wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that there is no correct value for "infinite" depth in the 
> web.xml parameter "depth-limit" for the WebdavServlet.
> Your only option it seems is to put in a "large enough" number  (like 
> 1000) which I think is a little silly rather than just -1 for any  depth...
> There is also a possible bug regarding the parameter because the  value
> "-1" will cause a NPE like so:
> 22 Jun 2005 16:04:26 - 
> org.apache.slide.webdav.method.AbstractWebdavMethod - ERROR - 
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>     at org.apache.slide.search.basic.BasicQuery.getSlidePath
> (BasicQuery.java:189)
>     at org.apache.slide.search.basic.BasicQueryEnvelope.getSlidePath
> (BasicQueryEnvelope.java:404)
>     at org.apache.slide.webdav.method.SearchMethod.parseRequest
> (SearchMethod.java:134)
>     at org.apache.slide.webdav.method.AbstractWebdavMethod.run
> (AbstractWebdavMethod.java:382)
>     at org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet.service
> (WebdavServlet.java:151)
>     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)
> Personally I had been struggling with my DASL queries for days  thinking
> I was doing something terribly wrong only to find out it was  this one
> parameter making fun of me!
> Could someone in the Slide team include this info in the Wiki/FAQ (in 
> Configuring DASL perhaps) and preferably allow the value -1...
> btw.
> Nice to be back on the list...
> cheers
> -Eiki
> ------
> Eirikur S. Hrafnsson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Chief Software Engineer
> Idega Software
> http://www.idega.com
> On 10.6.2005, at 14:48, Unico Hommes wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Max Pfingsthorn wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I've gotten quite far with backporting the Lucene based DASL stuff.
>>> However, I have one problem, which also applies to the HEAD, I think:
>>> The depth of the scope. For some reason, instead of being
>>> QueryScope.INFINITY (i.e. Interger.MAX_VALUE), it is 3 when I execute
>>> a DASL like this:
>>> <D:searchrequest xmlns:D="DAV:"
>>> xmlns:slide="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/";> <D:basicsearch>
>>> <D:select> <D:prop> <D:getcontentlength/> </D:prop> </D:select>
>>> <D:from> <D:scope> <D:href>binaries</D:href>
>>> <D:depth>INFINITY</D:depth> </D:scope> </D:from> <D:where>
>>> <D:not-is-collection/> </D:where> </D:basicsearch> </D:searchrequest>
>>> I have no clue where this gets changed... Depths of 0 and 1 work just
>>> fine. The scope depth when the BasicQueryScope is constructed is
>>> Interger.MAX_VALUE, but when I retrieve the depth in the abstract
>>> expression (where the execute happens) like so
>>> "query.getScope().getDepth()", it is 3. This means that ultimately, I
>>> loose all the results which are deeper than three levels below my
>>> scope uri. Since there are only 3 allowed depths, 0,1, and infinity,
>>> does the 3 actually mean infinity? If yes, why is QueryScope.INFINITY
>>> set to Integer.MAX_VALUE then?
>> By default Slide limits the searchdepth to 3 in order to prevent  clients
>> from being able to put the server on too much stress when they  would do
>> for example a propfind on the root with depth infinity. You need to
>> configure the servlet to disable this behavior (look for max-depth
>> parameter or something; probably -1 is equivalent to infinity).
>> - --
>> Unico
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