Hello, I work with jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.1.jar. My Webdav implemation is build on TAMINO (softwareAG) I use the TaminoWebdavServer (softwareAG).
In the Tomcat's manager, I observe that the session created by a webdav client is not closed when I invoke the close method on may WebRessource. I am obliged to wait the expiration of the session (the timeout). Here, an example : WebdavResource res = manager.getWebdavResource("/modeles/commun/examen/DEFAUT"); try { res.close(); } catch (IOException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();} manager is a class I have designed. getWebdavResource uses this kind of code : return new WebdavResource(url, credentials); I have try to redefine the closeSession method. Here, the result : public void closeSession() throws IOException{ if(client != null){ client.getHttpConnectionManager().getConnection(client.getHostConfiguration()).setConnectionTimeout(1); client.getHttpConnectionManager().releaseConnection(client.getHttpConnectionManager().getConnection(client.getHostConfiguration())); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getConnection(client.getHostConfiguration()).close(); client.setConnectionTimeout(1); client = null; } } Despite my efforts, the session remains in the Tomcat's manager. Have you any idea ? Thanks. Eric Portalez