Hi All, I usually mail to the users list, but I've tried that this time and it seems like my problem may be truly code related. I'd truly appreciate some suggestions on how to fix this problem, it seems simple, but I have no idea where in the code to look....

I'm trying to get slide 2.1 working inside of websphere 6, I've gotten it to the point where it displays all of the default links (actions/,files/,projector/,history/,workspace/,workingresource/), but when I click on any of the links, it simply brings back the same links (actions/,files/,projector/,history/,workspace/,workingresource/).

Here's what I've done so far...
(1) Modified DirectoryIndexGenerator.java and removed the " " s around UTF-8
(2) Modified slide.properties files to disable security
(3) Removed security entries in the web.xml
(4) Set the slide webapp to load parent libraries last in Websphere

Thanks in advance!

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