Hi all,

Anyone can help with the generics support problem?  I was trying to
use Map<String, Object> in Slide 2.1 server. The "build" process
failed and the error message was as follows.
generics are not supported in -source 1.4 (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

I definitely have JDK1.5, and have successfully tested Map<String,
List<String>> separately in a separate class on my machine.  What's
wrong please?

I tried adding " source="1.5" " on Line 242 of build.xml. It still
wouldn't work. Please help. Thanks.

Line 242
<javac srcdir="src/share" destdir="${slide.build}/classes"
debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
target="${compile.target}" source="1.5">

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