I was wondering if someone here has the ability to fix the Slide dev mailing 
list archive.  Its listed as being at this URL:


However, at least from within my company network, I get a "The server at 
mail-archives.apache.org is taking too long to respond" error when I try to 
access it.


As for application level side-effects of the new exists() method behaviour:

Updating the propfindMethod method may introduce errors in users' code if they 
had 'coded around' the old behaviour of exists(). This may be something to 
consider when updating the API. For example: Although I haven't noticed any 
with respect to the behaviour of the Slide client API itself, I have found some 
issues relating to my own application. The code below is based on a some code 
from my app:


WebdavResource wdrMyFile = null;
boolean myFileDoesNotExist = false;

try {
        wdrMyFile = new WebdavResource(myFileHttpURL);

} catch(Exception e) {

        myFileDoesNotExist = true;


        System.out.println("Network error or file does not exist");



As you can see, I hadn't been checking the status code to see if it was a 404 
error that caused the problem.  While this will work with the old behaviour of 
WebdavResource, it will obviously not work with the new behaviour since the try 
block will no longer throw an exception so myFileDoesNotExist will be false.  
However, wdrMyFile.exists() may also be false--introducing a bug in my code.  I 
hadn't noticed the potential problem while running the code since the simple 
tests I did never encountered a non-existent file.  If they had, my program 
would behaved incorrectly.

I've been going through my code line by line to find such situations.  The way 
one would need to code this so that it works for both versions of 
WebdavResource would be something like:


WebdavResource wdrMyFile = null;
boolean myFileDoesNotExist = false;
boolean networkError = false;

try {
        wdrMyFile = new WebdavResource(myFileHttpURL);

} catch(HttpException httpe) {

        if(httpe.getReasonCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
                myFileDoesNotExist = true;
                networkError = true;

} catch(IOException ioe) {

        networkError = true;


if(myFileDoesNotExist || !wdrMyFile.exists())
        System.out.println("File does not exist");

        System.out.println("Network Error");



But as you can see, this can unfortunately be a bit of pain to code.


Michael N. Christoff


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