Hi Apache Slide Developers,

I'm a mentor at Eclipse for Google's Summer of Code program. In one SoC
project the sutdent is developing a WebDAV implementation for EFS (the
Eclipse File System). He uses Apache Slide Client 2.1

I'm now preparing his code to get it into Eclipse CVS and this requires
IP approval of his code and all dependencies. To make it easier, I would
like to repackage the client into an OSGi bundle. Most of it's
dependencies are already approved and available as OSGi bundles.

I would like to use a latest snapshot from CVS because it already uses
Apache Commons XMLIO. I'm wondering if it would be possible to create a
interims/milestone release for 2.2. I guess it might take a while till
2.2 will be released. Using an official milestone would make versioning
more clear.

Can I get you approval to repackage the Apache Slide client into an OSGi
bundle? If you're interested I'd be happy to contribute the OSGi bundle
manifest back to your project.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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