> --- Remy wrote:
> That method will be called (for all registered filters) just before
> (or creating) content in the Store. Filters will be declared in
> ---
> What about filtering content on the way out?

I wasn't sure that post filtering could be useful, but I guess it wouldn't

> One of the things that I'm looking at is using Slide to allow users to
> web sites that may use JSP or Resin's XTP (XML Template Pages). People
should be
> able to upload/manage their pages, but what users see should be the result
> the page's execution, not the source.

Ok, you have a rock solid point there.
So at least two methods then, one called just before storing, and one just

Also, what would be better : one interface holding all the methods (with an
abstract implementation so that you don't have to implement all of those
which aren't useful), or multiple interfaces ?

> Though it seems like the thing to do would be to leave the JSP/XTP/etc.
> as the site root servlet ('/'), and create a separate WebDAV access (like
> default /webdav mapping in slide.war). That way each engine only handles
> it's best at.

Yes, but it wouldn't hurt to be able to do it. The point of the filtering is
to make things more flexible.

I'm wondering if filters would be useful in other components (structure,
lock, security), or if just filtering on content (which is definitely the
most useful) is enough.


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