
I am testing versioning with auto-version-control parameter set to true, 
and FileContentStore and have a couple of questions :

History - resource relation :

 If I have well understood, to each versioned resource correspond an 
history object that contains
all resources revisions. This history object has as uri something like 
But I don't understand where in the database is stored historyNumber -> 
resource relation.
Does anyone know ?

Zero length revisions :

With WebFolders version that comes with IE5.5, PUT are performed (don't 
ask me why) in a very
strage manner : a first PUT request is sent with a zero length file and 
then a second PUT request
is sent with the file content. This (nasty) behaviour is leading to 
unnecessary revisions creations
when using auto-version parameter set to true : 2 revisions by PUT one 
being empty.
Does anybody has a idea on the solvability of this (nasty) problem ?



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