
On step 6, why do you copy jboss-web.xml to slide.war/WEB-INF?  Also, I
would imagine that the context you use is "localhost:8080/controlpanel"
based on you last comment.  Is this correct?  Could you provide a copy of
your domain.xml, web.xml, and jboss-web.xml which make this all work?

Ivan Drinks Sr.
Reality Technology, Inc.
3801 East Florida, Suite 400
Denver, CO  80237
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-----Original Message-----
From: James Higginbotham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 7:32 AM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Slide on JBoss (was Listing Revisions)


Here is what I've done so far to get things to work using a nightly
build on JBoss 3.0.4 + Tomcat - note, its not the optimum configuration

1) Copy the following jars into server/default/lib - slide-kernel,
slide-roles, slide-stores, slide-webdavservlet, jdom (you'll need to
remove the .xml file from meta-inf, or else jboss will try to find a
custom deployer for the jar), jdom-dev
2) I then, for easier overriding of the Domain.xml file, unjar the war
and place it in the deploy under the folder slide.war
3) I remove the jars I copied to lib in step 1 from the
slide.war/WEB-INF/lib to ensure I don't have duplicate jar files being
4) I build a jar file with my log4j, commons-logging, and other
properties files and put that into the server/default/lib so that I can
better control the logging for Slide (not sure if I've really done much
here yet come to think of it - it uses stdout which log4j catches using
the default jboss settings)
5) Delete server/default/deploy/slide.war/Domain.xml and copy my
Domain.xml to that location (since if I get an updated version of slide
from CVS, that file may be newer than mine and ant refuses to copy it)
6) Copy my own custom web.xml and jboss-web.xml settings to
slide.war/WEB-INF so that I can use my custom JBoss Slide login module
and control web settings for the slide context
7) I build my own war, called controlpanel.war, with the JSPs the
appropriate web.xml, jboss-web.xml settings
8) I build my ear file, called controlpanel.ear, and put in the war, any
EJBs (none to this point), third party libs (like the slide taglibs,
struts, etc) and deploy that

I have an ant script to do most of this with an initserver target to
build the exploded war structure under deploy and copy the appropriate
jars to lib. I run this whenever I'm initilaizing a fresh copy of JBoss,
such as when I've upgraded, done a manual clean of the jboss dir
structure, etc. I have my war and ear built on each deploy. Hotdeploy
works with this configuration on JBoss 3.0.4, but not on 3.0.6 - I have
a bug outstanding with them on this. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan McDonough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 9:56 PM
> To: 'Slide Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: Listing Revisions
> Hey James,
> I know this probably isn't the email you might have been 
> hoping for, but you seem like someone who might have the 
> answers I'm looking for. You are doing some of the stuff I'd 
> like to be doing but I'd say you're like 4 steps ahead of me 
> right now. I would like to create a customized web interface 
> to slide, but I don't seem to be able to. I'm using Slide 
> 1.0.16. In one case, I tried to see if I could muck with the 
> "server" implementation that comes with the distribution. The 
> trouble for me there was that the wrapper classes have the 
> paths to the WARs hard coded. Why, I do not know, and why the 
> Wrapper classes in the 1st place? Anyway, I then tried using 
> the web apps. The Slide web app worked fine, but the admin 
> app bombs. I've realized that it bombs because the domain is 
> not loaded. Now, I would like to use JBoss for this, and I 
> see that Slide has an Mbean interface available and I have 
> noticed that you have been doing some work with JBoss and 
> Slide. Have you been able to get slide working as an Mbean or 
> have you gotten slide working another way?
> Ryan-
> On 3/25/03 10:50 AM, "James Higginbotham" 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm in the process of creating a web page to view the list of 
> > revisions for a resource. I am seeing only version 1.0 
> showing up in 
> > the web view (via the struts tag lib) but can see other 
> versions being 
> > stored either via the file or jdbc (using hsql) stores 
> using a Slide 
> > daily build from mid November. I am performing the 
> following steps and 
> > seeing the following results:
> > 
> > 1. Putting files into Slide via Windows XP Web folders - a v1.0 is 
> > created for each file 2. Navigating to the folder that contains my 
> > resource I'm interested in, and putting a new copy of the same file 
> > using MS web folders 3. I can see within the hsql files the SQL 
> > commands that create a 1.1 version into the DB
> > 4. I use the following JSP code to view the revisions, 
> which only shows
> > a version 1.0:
> > 
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld"      prefix="bean" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld"      prefix="html" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld"     prefix="logic" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld"  prefix="template" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld"     prefix="tiles" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/slide-struts.tld"     prefix="slide" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/display.tld"          prefix="display" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/calvary.tld"          prefix="calvary" %>
> > <p>
> > <slide:node id="node" uriName='viewer' uriProperty='computedUri' 
> > resolveLinks='true'> <bean:define id="latestRevision" name="node"
> > property="latestRevision"/>
> > <p class="viewerName"><bean:write name='node'
> > property='name'/></p>
> > <p>Latest revision=<bean:write name="latestRevision"
> > property="number"/></p>
> > </slide:node>    
> > </p>
> > 
> > 5. Concerned about caching being the bug, I shutdown and 
> restart the 
> > server and still see only v1.0 as the latest version 6. I'm using 
> > Eclipse to debug into the slide kernel and basically the 
> jdbc store is 
> > only finding the 1 revision. I haven't debugged into the JDBC store 
> > but that will be next on my list when time allows 7. I have the 
> > following Domain.xml:
> > 
> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > <slide logger="org.apache.slide.util.logger.SimpleLogger"
> > logger-level="6" default="slide">
> > <namespace name="slide">
> >        <definition>
> >          <store name="jdbc">
> >            <nodestore 
> > classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
> >              <parameter 
> > name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
> >              <parameter 
> > name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
> >              <parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
> >              <parameter name="password"></parameter>
> >            </nodestore>
> >            <securitystore>
> >              <reference store="nodestore" />
> >              </securitystore>
> >              <lockstore>
> >                <reference store="nodestore" />
> >                </lockstore>
> >                <revisiondescriptorsstore>
> >                  <reference store="nodestore" />
> >                  </revisiondescriptorsstore>
> >                  <revisiondescriptorstore>
> >                    <reference store="nodestore" />
> >                    </revisiondescriptorstore>
> >                    <contentstore 
> > classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCContentStore">
> >                      <parameter 
> > name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
> >                      <parameter 
> > name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidecontent</parameter>
> >                      <parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
> >                      <parameter name="password"></parameter>
> >                      <parameter name="version">true</parameter>
> >                    </contentstore>
> >                  </store>
> >                  <scope match="/" store="jdbc" />
> >                  </definition>
> >                  <configuration>
> >                    <!-- Actions mapping -->
> >                    <default-action>/actions</default-action>
> >                    <read-object>/actions/read</read-object>
> >                    <create-object>/actions/write</create-object>
> >                    <remove-object>/actions/write</remove-object>
> > 
> > <grant-permission>/actions/manage</grant-permission>
> > 
> > <revoke-permission>/actions/manage</revoke-permission>
> > 
> > <read-permissions>/actions/manage</read-permissions>
> >                    <lock-object>/actions/write</lock-object>
> >                    <kill-lock>/actions/manage</kill-lock>
> >                    <read-locks>/actions/read</read-locks>
> > 
> > <read-revision-metadata>/actions/read</read-revision-metadata>
> > 
> > <create-revision-metadata>/actions/write</create-revision-metadata>
> > 
> > <modify-revision-metadata>/actions/write</modify-revision-metadata>
> > 
> > <remove-revision-metadata>/actions/write</remove-revision-metadata>
> > 
> > <read-revision-content>/actions/read</read-revision-content>
> > 
> > <create-revision-content>/actions/write</create-revision-content>
> > 
> > <modify-revision-content>/actions/write</modify-revision-content>
> > 
> > <remove-revision-content>/actions/write</remove-revision-content>
> >                    <!-- Paths configuration -->
> >                    <userspath>/users</userspath>
> >                    <guestpath>guest</guestpath>
> >                    <filespath>/files</filespath>
> >                    <parameter name="dav">true</parameter>
> >                    <parameter name="standalone">true</parameter>
> >                    <!-- Roles definition -->
> >                    <role 
> name="root">slideroles.basic.RootRole</role>
> >                    <role 
> name="user">slideroles.basic.UserRole</role>
> >                    <role 
> > name="guest">slideroles.basic.GuestRole</role>
> >                    <!-- Users management -->
> >                    <auto-create-users>true</auto-create-users>
> >                    <!-- Default properties mapping -->
> >                    <default-property 
> > namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; 
> name="password" value="" 
> > role="user"/>
> >                  </configuration>
> >                  <data>
> >                    <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/">
> >                      <!-- <permission action="/actions" 
> > subject="root"/> -->
> >                      <permission action="/actions" 
> > subject="/users/root"/>
> >                      <permission action="/actions/read" 
> > subject="/users" inheritable="false"/>
> >                      <permission action="/actions/read" 
> > subject="nobody" inheritable="false"/>
> >                      <!-- /users -->
> >                      <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users">
> >                        <permission action="/actions" subject="~"/>
> >                        <permission action="/actions" 
> > subject="/users/guest" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
> >                        <permission action="/actions/read" 
> > subject="/users" inheritable="false"/>
> >                        <!-- Permission group example -->
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.GroupNode" 
> uri="/users/groupA">
> >                          <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.LinkNode" 
> > uri="/users/groupA/john" linkedUri="/users/john"/>
> >                          <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.LinkNode" 
> > uri="/users/groupA/root" linkedUri="/users/root"/>
> >                          <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode"
> > uri="/users/groupA/singleGroupMember"/>
> >                        </objectnode>
> >                        <!-- /users/root represents the administrator
> > -->
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="slideroles.basic.RootRoleImpl" uri="/users/root">
> >                          <revision>
> >                            <property 
> > namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/";
> > name="password">root</property>
> >                          </revision>
> >                        </objectnode>
> >                        <!-- /users/john represents an authenticated 
> > user -->
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="slideroles.basic.UserRoleImpl" uri="/users/john">
> >                          <revision>
> >                            <property 
> > namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/";
> > name="password">john</property>
> >                          </revision>
> >                        </objectnode>
> >                        <!-- /users/guest represents an 
> authenticated 
> > or
> >                             unauthenticated guest user -->
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="slideroles.basic.GuestRoleImpl" uri="/users/guest">
> >                          <revision>
> >                            <property 
> > namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password"/>
> >                          </revision>
> >                        </objectnode>
> >                      </objectnode>
> >                      <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions">
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" 
> uri="/actions/read"/>
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" 
> uri="/actions/write"/>
> >                        <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode"
> > uri="/actions/manage"/>
> >                      </objectnode>
> >                      <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/files">
> >                             <permission action="/actions/manage" 
> > subject="/users/john"/>
> >                             <permission action="/actions/write" 
> > subject="+/users/groupA"/>
> >                             <permission action="/actions/read" 
> > subject="nobody"/>
> >                           </objectnode>
> >                           <!-- DeltaV: default history and 
> workspace 
> > paths -->
> >                           <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/history"/>
> >                           <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" 
> uri="/workspace"/>
> >                           <objectnode 
> > classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode"
> > uri="/workingresource"/>
> >                         </objectnode>
> >                       </data>
> >                     </namespace>
> >                     <parameter 
> name="historypath">/history</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="workspacepath">/workspace</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="workingresourcepath">/workingresource</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="auto-version">checkout-checkin</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="auto-version-control">true</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="versioncontrol-exclude"></parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="checkout-fork">forbidden</parameter>
> >                     <parameter 
> > name="checkin-fork">forbidden</parameter>
> > </slide>
> > 
> > 
> > 8. If I view the properties for the 1.0 revision, here is 
> what I get:
> > 
> > DAV:getetag -63123322_48563_24152
> > DAV:workspace
> > DAV:source  
> > DAV:owner root 
> > DAV:comment  
> > DAV:creator-displayname root
> > DAV:getcontentlanguage en
> > DAV:getlastmodified Tue, 25 Mar 2003 02:44:51 GMT
> > DAV:checked-in /history/210/1.2  <==== NOTE: version 1.2 which is
> > correct, but Slide says 1.0 is the only version via the
> > RevisionDescriptors class!
> > DAV:resourcetype 
> > DAV:getcontentlength 24152
> > DAV:getcontenttype text/xml
> > DAV:creationdate 2003-03-22T03:39:12Z
> > DAV:auto-version 
> > DAV:displayname sitemap.xml
> > 
> > 
> > Any ideas? Is this a known bug or something I'm doing or ??
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > James
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people 
> appear bright until you hear them speak."
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