The SearchMethod class should be fully functional.

But the main problem is to create the body for the search
request. There is no smart or automatic way of creating one. That's
propably the reason why it's not integrated into WebdavResource yet,
but that would be no problem.

If you want to create the request body, you should use a
DocumentBuilder, JDOM or whatever you like. Just be sure to adhere to
the specifications of the WebDAV SEARCH rfc.


> Hi all,
> I need to perform a search by property value using webdav client lib 
> (org.apache.webdav.lib).
> Is org.apache.webdav.lib.method.SearchMethod class up to date ? 
> Why there isn?t a searchMethod() method in WebdavResource like most of webdav
> methods ? Are there any problem for doing that ?  
> How could I implement it ?  Has anyone already done it ? 
> thanks a lot,
> Regards,
> --
> Juan Andr?s Bentancour.
> --------
> E-mail y acceso a Internet UltraVeloz totalmente GRATIS en Buenos Aires,
> Rosario, Cordoba, Mendoza, La Plata y Pilar
> Nro. de acceso 5078-5000 Usuario: Argentina Password: Argentina

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