Hi Luanne,
if you define your own property names you should use a namespace. This is used to distinguish between two properties that have the same name, this way one or more softwares can write and read their own properties without having problems about using the same name.

Suppose you are making a software that stores CRM tickets on a webdav repository, and you want to set a property named "state" where you save the current state of that ticket, taking values like "open", "assigned", "resolved" etc...

Now suppose I'm making an application that implements an indexer for webdav repositories, and i want to use a property named "state" to indicate wether a resource has been indexed or not. In my property i would write values like "indexed", "inprogress", "dirty" etc...

Obviously, this two applications could not live on the same repository, because each other would overwrite the "state" property.

To make this possible, DAV uses (as XML does) a namespace. This is an additional "name" that is "prepended" to the real property name. So, if my site is www.simons.com and my software is called "davi" i can use the namespace "http://www.simons.com/davi";. If your company has a site named www.luannes.com and you software is called "luacrm" you can build a similar namespace.

This way, there will be no problem if we both use the same property name, because they pertain to different namespaces.

Using a company URL as the first part of the namespace is a good practice, because if i own www.simons.com noone else can own it, and i'm sure i will not have problems with other softwares using the same namespace.

For more informations, search about the XML namespace concept.

Hope this helps,

Simone Gianni

Luanne Coutinho wrote:


I would like to define my own properties for a
resource. I looked up the proppatch method and one of
the signatures was:
boolean proppatchMethod(PropertyName propertyName,
java.lang.String propertyValue, boolean action)

What is a PropertyName and how do I construct one? I
don't understand the Namespace part. Could you please
let me know how exactly I have to go about doing this?
Or if there's some documentation I haven't found yet,
please point me to it.

Thanks very much,

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