to use the Axis tcpmon program :

download Axis, atleast the axis.jar package is needed, the run :

java -classpath axis.jar org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon

The program will start, it has a basic but pratical interface. Insert a local port (for example 8081), then set as remote host "localhost" or the host of your slide installation, and the relative port (default 8080), trhe click on "add". This will add a new listener on port 8081, redirecting on the port 8080 of your slide. A new tab appears on top.

Click on the tab, run a webdav client, and connect to "http://localhost:8081/slide"; (this could change depending on your installation, but localhost and 8081 are mandatory if you followed above instructions). In the tcpmon window you will see connections created, requests and responses. I suggest checking the "Xml format" option to have XML correctly indented.

Unfortunately tcpmon does not separate in output multiple GET's done during an http 1.1 connection; so the second get will be appended to the last line of the first one and so on. Maybe using the HTTP proxy option instead could lead to a better formatting of data, but i've not experimented this yet.

Anyway, it's a good free tool, easy to use and available here on apache. This tool or a similar one IS A MUST if you are developing for webdav!!

Hope this helps,

Simone Gianni

James Mason wrote:

*Somewhere* on the Slide site there used to be a tip on using Axis's
tcpmon for doing that. You're right, it's a huge help. Unfortunately,
given the state of Slide's documentation I can't seem to find the page.
It would be really nice if Slide had a Wiki so that the community could
help improve the documentation... hint hint ;).

Here's documentation on using tcpmon:
It's an appendix near the bottom. Search the page for "tcpmon"; it's
the second hit.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/2004 11:50:24 AM >>>

Thought I'd pass along this helpful tip to debug your slide

Use a TCP Viewer to view the exact message exchange between your client
the server. Westbrooksoftware.com has a shareware program called "TCP
Viewer" that is very easy to run. Just set its remote port to your
install's port (8080 for example) and the local port to something else
8000). Then have all your slide clients connect to the local port. All
HTTP message traffic is then viewable and you can use the webDAV rfc or
other source to easily verify what is going on...

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