Hello All - I've hit a road block and needs some help... I'm trying to use the put 
method from the command line client. I made sure that root is in the the root group, I 
logged in with root, I can see all of the files but can not use the "put method".

Here is my console:
[LOCALHOST] /storage/files/ $ put notes3.txt
put notes3.txt null
Uploading  'notes3.txt' to '/storage/files/': failed.
Forbidden (403)
[LOCALHOST] /storage/files/ $

I'm able to use the write option in DAVExplorer to put the file in there, but I need 
to use it in the command line.

When I do it by DAVExplorer the log file shows this:
Thread-15, 01-Jul-2004 22:09:04, root, PUT, 201 "Created", 521 ms, /files/test.doc

When I run the put test.doc from the command line, the log file shows this:

Thread-14, 01-Jul-2004 22:14:21, root, PUT, 403 "Forbidden", 10 ms, /files/

The ACL Info is this:
Subject            Action                Inheritable     Deny
/roles/root        /actions/write        true            false

      ACL Info 
      Subject Action Inheritable Deny 
      unauthenticated all true false 
      /roles/user /actions/write true false 
      owner /actions/read-acl true false 
      /roles/root /actions/write true false 
      Filename Size Last Modified 
         new/   Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:47:40 GMT 

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