I'm sorry, meant SHOULD NOT, instead of SHOULD.


 The problem should be with max revision limit! I for instance, managed to
handle a resource with over 20 revisions...

Best regards,


This might be a know problem with the datastore and the max length of 
property values. This should be solved i the latest database schemas!

What version of slide and what store are you using?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "陶 京瑞" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 9:16 AM
Subject: max revision limit?

> hi, friends
> I met a weird problem. so far , I use client API to version control 
> file(checkin/checkout).
> the similar code is following:
> webdavResource.checkout()
> webdavResource.putmethod()
> webdavResource.checkin()
> I did it successfully in the first four times(version 1.0-1.4). But if I 
> want to put the fifth version file(1.5) to slide, the process failed. I 
> found that the putMehtod did upload the file, but checkout and checkin 
> method didnot work well.
> I print out the statusMessage of webdavResource and get the following 
> message:
> from checkout method:  "Conflick(409)"
> from checkin mehtod :"WARN HttpMethodBase:2059 - Response content length 
> is not known" "Internal Server Error (500)".
> did I do something wrong, or the slide just permit max 5 revision ?
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