Yes, I confirm this defect. In fact we fixed it locally the same way you did. We were seen this problem quite often since we are testing japanese characters in paths. We also wonder why the check in addLock() is based on the value, not the key. Is it because if binding is being used a given resource may have several URLs? But in that case, unlockMethod should also search locks by value to be consistent.

BTW, supporting japanese required adding lots of workarounds for MS Webfolders. Some versions of japanese WebFolders send paths encoded inconsistently in UTF8 or Shift_JIS, sometimes even unescaped. We basically had to auto-detect the encoding and escaping of the URLs sent by WebFolders.



Warwick Burrows wrote:


I was wondering if someone would confirm a defect that I still see in the
2.1B1 release. This is related to defect number 30902 "lock for space
separated paths not found" that I've submitted a fix for. Using the CLI I've
created a collection called "my stuff" and uploaded a file to it called
"testf".  I then locked the file with the options "-o10000 -sexclusive
-tinf" and then check that the lock has worked with the "locks" command. It
did.  When I try to unlock the file with "-o10000" I get a 200 code back but
there is a message saying "failed" and the file is still locked. I'm running
on windows 2000 sp4.

The reason for this is that in LockMethod.parseResponse() the lock is being
added to the lock hashmap by WebdavState.addLock() with the escaped URI of
the file as the hash key. ie. the space is escaped with %20. The call that
returns this escaped URI to use with addLock() is
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.getPath() which (from the
javadoc for the corresponding setPath() method) returns a raw (escaped) path
-- or at least it expects it to be escaped if necessary by the caller.

So when looking for the lock in WebdavResource.unlockMethod() we use the
unescaped URI to check for the existence of the lock in the hashmap when
calling WebdavState.getLock(). The lock was put in the hashmap with the
escaped URI as the key so its not found. The solution is to always use the
same hash key. Either the escaped or unescaped URI. In my fix I chose the
unescaped URI as that is most commonly used in the client and I'd only seen
this one case where addLock() was called with an escaped path.

Funny enough we do find the lock entry in WebdavState.discoverLock()  when
we process the locks that come back from the lockdiscovery property call in
WebdavResource.unlockMethod(). And we don't add a second lock entry for the
same token because in the second call to WebdavState.addLock() the addLock
code checks for the existence of this locktoken by checking for its value,
not by the hash key.


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