Hello nick,

 Also, check out this code snippet I've found in slide's mailing list:

// open web folder from IE (windows 2000/XP)

        A {behavior: url(#default#AnchorClick);}

        <A HREF = "http://localhost:8080/storage/files/Survey.doc";;
                FOLDER =  "http://localhost:8080/storage/files/";;
                TARGET = "_blank"
                Open in Web Folder View

And this message 
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06490.html 

witch gives an insight on how to open an Microsoft Office document in edit
mode, using Java code inside a JSP or servlet.

 You can open a document in edit mode, and then upload it to server, when
performing save within webdav enabled editors. Examples include Microsoft
Office, OpenOffice.org and the Acrobate Writer, if I remember correctly.

 If you wanted to open every kind of documents (for example an autocad
drawing, not just word documents) in edit mode AND upload changes directly
to the server, one solution is making your own web folder client or and
'Windows Explorer' twin, witch is what my company team is working on
nowadays. Other possible solutions are, like Oliver said, netdrive or
similar products.

Best regards,


Hi Nick!

If you are on Windows either mount Slide as described in 
http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/xp.html or use a product like NetDrive 
from Novell which can even map it to a drive letter.

If you are on Mac have a look at 
http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/osx.html. Be sure to adapt the web.xml 
in this case as suggested in http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/faq.html


Nick Longinow wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just getting started with Slide, and have wrestled all day with this
> one.
> Maybe you can hel p ?
> I have created a document collection and added (put) a document into slide
> via java webdav client.  Now I want to get the file out in edit mode, ie,
> this is 
> a Word document, and I want Word to open up with the document loaded
> for editing. 
> How do you do this ??
> Nick

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