Hello nick,

 I too am interested in knowing the right answer to your question. From my
past experience, I fear that Slide does not recognize the 'Group of Users
Principal type'.

 Nevertheless ACL specification clearly states a distinction between Group
of Users (exactly as you clearly defined) and Users, but I did not find a
reference about 'Roles type of Principal'.

 So, it's kind of funny, but slide does not support Group of Users but
supports Roles, and the spec identifies Group of Users but nothing about
Roles :)

 Anyway, from a point of view you can always think about Roles as a Group of
Users, with the little difference that Roles can not contain other Roles:
just Users.

 Best regards,
 Miguel Figueiredo


I realize this has been posted and hashed out before, but
my reading of the posts wasn't clarifying.

Can anyone tell me the definition of these terms in the
context of DAV and Slide ?  

My take is that a Group is a principal and is itself simply
a collection of principals (users, or other groups), where the
membership in the group is set via the GROUP-MEMBER-SET property.
And, the Group has no concept of privileges or rights.  Its just
a bag, a collection. So, I'd create a group under the /users
branch of the tree.  ie, /slide/users/salesforce/eastregion

A Role would be set of defined rights on the repository and any
elements in that role would have those rights.

True ?


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