Hello Nick,

 By default, a collection does not have any ACL definitions upon creation.
The ones you are obtaining are the inherited ones. So changing an inherited
ACL doesn't feel right for me. Perhaps slide mandates that to change an ACL,
you must act upon the right resource (collection in this case).

 I would try this approach: get a WebdavResource instance of the 'folder'
collection, and execute the AclMethod adding your read-deny ACE, for the
right Principals (i.e. /roles/users/). If you are using root account, don't
forget that root also makes part of the /roles/root/ Principal.

 Hope this helps,
 Miguel Figueiredo


I want to prevent users from browsing into a collection ("folder") that

documents, and so am trying to adjust the ACL for the collection.

My method is to retrieve the ACL for the collection and then set the

'negative' property to true ("deny"), where it had been false by default.


But, I can still login to the repository as a /roles/user member and see

in fact, delete elements of the collection.


What am I doing wrong ?



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