OK, I really took the time, created a store that simply extends the
reference store and tried it and it worked. Only thing in Domain.xml I
have changed is the namespace as I had problems with yours and the
name of the call back store. I will attach both the Domain.xml and the


On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 13:16:23 -0800, Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works great if I leave it as WebdavFileStore.....
> Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
> >This behavior is almost for sure completely unrelated to the change
> >you displayed above. Try reverting it and see if the behavior changes.
> >If not look for other changes you have made - even if you feel they
> >could not have caused this behavior. If it indeed does change the
> >behavior please send in the complete Domain.xml
> >
> >Oliver
> >
> >
> >On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 12:42:36 -0800, Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I tried extending it and I still get the same result:
> >>
> >>"INFO: Server startup in 21270 ms
> >>http-8080-Processor25, 09-Nov-2004 12:41:42, root, OPTIONS, 200 "OK",
> >>551 ms, /
> >>http-8080-Processor24, 09-Nov-2004 12:41:43, root, PROPFIND, 404 "Not
> >>Found", 227 ms, /"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>This looks like you have configured your custom store correctly. I do
> >>>not quite understand what your problem is, what do you mean with "it
> >>>can't even find the root directory"?
> >>>
> >>>To see if this would work why not start with
> >>>
> >>>class MyStore extends WebdavFileStore {
> >>>}
> >>>
> >>>and successively overloading the methods to your need. After each
> >>>change you can see if it still works and if not you can always undo
> >>>your experiment.
> >>>
> >>>Oliver
> >>>
> >>>On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 10:49:40 -0800, Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>I could be wrong but it sounds like you're missing some jars from your
> >>>>lib directory in WEB-INF....
> >>>>
> >>>>I have a problem too with WCK
> >>>>
> >>>>As a quick test I simply took WebdavFileStore's source and copied it
> >>>>into a com.test.mystores.TestStore class.
> >>>>
> >>>>I then changed domain.xml from:
> >>>>
> >>>><nodestore classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreAdapter">
> >>>>   <!-- replace the above line with this one if your Slide version and
> >>>>your store supports macro operations on the store level -->
> >>>>   <!--nodestore
> >>>>classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreMacroAdapter"-->
> >>>>   <parameter
> >>>>name="callback-store">org.apache.slide.simple.reference.WebdavFileStore</parameter>
> >>>>   <!-- this is where all the resources in the /files collection go to -->
> >>>>   <!-- adapt to your needs -->
> >>>>   <parameter name="rootpath">store</parameter>
> >>>></nodestore>
> >>>>
> >>>>to:
> >>>>
> >>>><nodestore classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreAdapter">
> >>>>   <!-- replace the above line with this one if your Slide version and
> >>>>your store supports macro operations on the store level -->
> >>>>   <!--nodestore
> >>>>classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreMacroAdapter"-->
> >>>>   <parameter 
> >>>> name="callback-store">com.test.mystores.TestStore</parameter>
> >>>>   <!-- this is where all the resources in the /files collection go to -->
> >>>>   <!-- adapt to your needs -->
> >>>>   <parameter name="rootpath">store</parameter>
> >>>></nodestore>
> >>>>
> >>>>Source: (exactly like WebdavFileStore except for changed class names)
> >>>>
> >>>>"package com.test.mystores.;
> >>>>
> >>>>import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
> >>>>....
> >>>>
> >>>>public class TestStore implements BasicWebdavStore,
> >>>>WebdavStoreLockExtension, WebdavStoreBulkPropertyExtension,
> >>>>       WebdavStoreMacroCopyExtension, WebdavStoreMacroMoveExtension,
> >>>>WebdavStoreMacroDeleteExtension {
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static final String ROOTPATH_PARAMETER = "rootpath";
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static final String LOCK_FILE_EXTENSION = ".lck";
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static final String PROPERTY_FILE_PREFIX = ".";
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static void save(InputStream is, File file) throws IOException 
> >>>> {
> >>>>       OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new
> >>>>FileOutputStream(file));
> >>>>       try {
> >>>>           FileHelper.copy(is, os);
> >>>>       } finally {
> >>>>           try {
> >>>>               is.close();
> >>>>           } finally {
> >>>>               os.close();
> >>>>           }
> >>>>       }
> >>>>   }
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static File root = null;
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static Service service = null;
> >>>>
> >>>>   private static LoggerFacade logger = null;
> >>>>
> >>>>   public synchronized void begin(Service service, Principal principal,
> >>>>Object connection, LoggerFacade logger,
> >>>>           Hashtable parameters) throws ServiceAccessException,
> >>>>ServiceParameterErrorException,
> >>>>           ServiceParameterMissingException {
> >>>>       // set parameters only once...
> >>>>       if (TestStore.root == null) {
> >>>>           TestStore.service = service;
> >>>>           TestStore.logger = logger;
> >>>>           String rootPath = (String) parameters.get(ROOTPATH_PARAMETER);
> >>>>           if (rootPath == null)
> >>>>               throw new ServiceParameterMissingException(service,
> >>>>
> >>>>           TestStore.root = new File(rootPath);
> >>>>           if (!TestStore.root.exists()) {
> >>>>               if (!TestStore.root.mkdirs()) {
> >>>>                   throw new ServiceParameterErrorException(service,
> >>>>ROOTPATH_PARAMETER + ": " + TestStore.root
> >>>>                           + " does not exist and could not be created");
> >>>>               } else {
> >>>>                   logger.logInfo("Created root folder at: " + rootPath);
> >>>>               }
> >>>>           }
> >>>>       }
> >>>>   }
> >>>>....."
> >>>>
> >>>>Anyways when WebdavFileStore is used - everything works fine. However
> >>>>when my custom class is used - it can't even find the root directory....
> >>>>Is there something I'm doing wrong?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Roman D wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I am trying to run example WCK servlet for 3 days with no luck.
> >>>>>As far as I can understand from
> >>>>>http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-slide/WebDavConstructionKit
> >>>>>WCK has *org.apache.slide.simple.reference.WebdavFileStore* which is
> >>>>>not a servlet.
> >>>>>It supposed to be used through Slide.
> >>>>>Domain.xml configures Slide to use whatever storage you like, or
> >>>>>something like that.
> >>>>>Now, as I understand, I need to run Slide servlet
> >>>>>*org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet* and use Domain.xml with
> >>>>>*<parameter
> >>>>>name="callback-store">org.apache.slide.store.simple.WebdavFileStore</parameter>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>*So I put *Domain.xml* in *WEB-INF/classes*.
> >>>>>Then add *slide-webdavservlet-2.2pre1.ja*r into *WEB-INF/lib*
> >>>>>Then add following to web.xml;
> >>>>>*<servlet-mapping>
> >>>>><servlet-name>org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet</servlet-name>*
> >>>>>Tomcat 5.0 says:
> >>>>>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Servlet mapping specifies an
> >>>>>unknown servlet name org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet
> >>>>>
> >>>>>What do I do wrong? Do I understand slide/wck relationship correctly?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Thanks!
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
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> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
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> >>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <namespace name="slide">
            <store name="simple">
                <parameter name="cache-mode">cluster</parameter>
                <!-- uncomment this if you are using Slide 2.2
                     and want more caching with timeout
                    (100 sec in this case) -->
                <!--parameter name="cache-timeout">100</parameter>
                <parameter name="cache-mode">full</parameter-->
                <nodestore classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreAdapter">
                <!-- replace the above line with this one if your Slide version and your store supports macro operations on the store level -->  
                <!--nodestore classname="org.apache.slide.simple.store.WebdavStoreMacroAdapter"-->
                    <!--parameter name="callback-store">com.macys.cansas.store.CansasStore</parameter-->
                    <parameter name="callback-store">olli.Store</parameter>
                    <!-- this is where all the resources in the /files collection go to -->
                    <!-- adapt to your needs -->
                    <parameter name="rootpath">/store</parameter>
                    <reference store="nodestore"/>
                    <reference store="nodestore"/>
                    <reference store="nodestore"/>
                    <reference store="nodestore"/>
                <!-- uncomment this if your Slide version and your store supports macro operations on the store level -->  
      <reference store="nodestore"/>
                <!--lockstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientLockStore"/-->
                <securitystore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientSecurityStore"/>
            <store name="memory">
                <nodestore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientNodeStore"/>
                <contentstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientContentStore"/>
                <revisiondescriptorsstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientDescriptorsStore"/>
                <revisiondescriptorstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientDescriptorStore"/>
                <securitystore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientSecurityStore"/>
                <lockstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.mem.TransientLockStore"/>
            <scope match="/" store="memory"/>
            <scope match="/files" store="simple"/>
            <!-- Actions mapping -->
            <!-- Paths configuration -->
            <parameter name="dav">true</parameter>
            <parameter name="standalone">true</parameter>
            <parameter name="acl_inheritance_type">path</parameter>
            <!-- Nested roles: 0 means no nesting (default), 1 means one sublevel, etc. -->
            <parameter name="nested_roles_maxdepth">0</parameter>
            <!-- Can be "off", "write" and "full" -->
            <parameter name="sequential-mode">full</parameter>
            <!-- enable this if you use Slide 2.2 and want more fine grained locks 
                 resulting in improved concurrency -->
            <!--parameter name="sequential-mode">fine-grain</parameter-->
            <!-- "false" lets all read-only methods be executed outside of transactions -->
            <parameter name="all-methods-in-transactions">true</parameter>
            <!-- Setting this to true will force Slide to internally convert the username a user
                 enters at login to lowercase. This is useful for users who can't be bothered
                 with turning off their capslock key before logging in. -->
            <parameter name="force-lowercase-login">false</parameter>
            <parameter name="auto-create-users">true</parameter>
            <parameter name="auto-create-users-role">slideroles.basic.RootRoleImpl</parameter>
            <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/">
                <!-- Subject can be:
                any user             "all"
                authenticated user   "authenticated"
                unauthenticated user "unauthenticated"
                self                 "self"
                owner of resource    "owner"
                a user               "/users/john"
                a role               "/roles/admin"
                <permission action="all" subject="/roles/root" inheritable="true"/>
                <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="all" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
                <permission action="/actions/write-acl" subject="all" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
                <permission action="/actions/unlock" subject="all" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
                <permission action="/actions/read" subject="all" inheritable="true"/>
                <!-- /users -->
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users">
                    <permission action="all" subject="self" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="all" subject="/roles/projector" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
                    <!-- /users/root represents the administrator -->
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/root">
                            <property namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password">root</property> 
                    <!-- /users/john and /users/john2 represent authenticated users -->
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/john">
                            <property namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password">john</property> 
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/john2">
                            <property namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password">john2</property> 
                    <!-- /users/guest represents an authenticated or unauthenticated guest user -->
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/guest">
                            <property namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password">guest</property> 
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/projector">
                            <property namespace="http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/"; name="password">projector</property> 
                <!-- /roles -->
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/roles">
                    <permission action="all" subject="self" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="all" subject="/roles/projector" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true" negative="true"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/roles/root">
                            <property name="group-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/root</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/roles/user">
                            <property name="group-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/john</D:href><D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/john2</D:href><D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/root</D:href><D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/projector</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/roles/guest">
                            <property name="group-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/guest</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/roles/projector">
                            <property name="group-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/root</D:href><D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/users/projector</D:href>]]></property>
                <!-- action -->
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions">
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/read">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/read-acl</D:href> <D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/read-current-user-privilege-set</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/read-acl">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/read-current-user-privilege-set">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/write">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/write-acl</D:href> <D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/write-properties</D:href> <D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/write-content</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/write-acl">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/write-properties">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/write-content">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"><![CDATA[<D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/bind</D:href> <D:href xmlns:D='DAV:'>/actions/unbind</D:href>]]></property>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/bind">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/unbind">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.ActionNode" uri="/actions/unlock">
                            <property name="privilege-member-set"/>
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/files">
                        <!-- to make clear to stores that rely on it this is a collection -->
                            <property name="resourcetype"><![CDATA[<collection/>]]></property>
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="all" subject="/roles/user" inheritable="true"/>
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/projector">
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/write" subject="/roles/projector" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="owner" inheritable="true"/>
	                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/projector/work">
                <!-- DeltaV: default history and workspace paths -->
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/history">
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/write" subject="/roles/user" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="owner" inheritable="true"/>
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/workspace">
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/write" subject="/roles/user" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="owner" inheritable="true"/>
                <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/workingresource">
                    <permission action="all" subject="unauthenticated" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/write" subject="/roles/user" inheritable="true"/>
                    <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="owner" inheritable="true"/>
    DeltaV global parameters
    * historypath (mandatory=no, default="/history"):
    Specifies a Slide path which determines the location where this DeltaV
    server stores history data.

    * workspacepath (mandatory=no, default="/workspace"):
    Specifies a Slide path which determines the location where this DeltaV
    server allows workspaces to reside.

    * workingresourcepath (mandatory=no, default="/workingresource"):
    Specifies a Slide path which determines the location where this DeltaV
    server stores working resources.

    * auto-version (mandatory=no, default="checkout-checkin"):
    Controls the DeltaV auto-version behaviour.

    * auto-version-control (mandatory=no, default="false"):
    Indicates if a resource just created by a PUT should be set under

    * versioncontrol-exclude (mandatory=no, default=""):
    Specifies a Slide path which determines resources which are excluded from version-control.
    The default value "" makes no path being excluded.

    * checkout-fork (mandatory=no, default="forbidden"):
    Controls the DeltaV check-out behaviour when a version is already
    checked-out or has a successor.

    * checkin-fork (mandatory=no, default="forbidden"):
    Controls the DeltaV check-out behaviour when a version has already a

    * standardLivePropertiesClass (mandatory=no,
    Determines the "agent" knowing about what the standard live properties are.
    It should be a loadable class containing the following static methods:
    - boolean isLiveProperty(String propName)
    - boolean isProtectedProperty(String propName)
    - boolean isComputedProperty(String propName)
    - Set getAllLiveProperties()
    - Set getAllProtectedProperties()
    - Set getAllComputedProperties()

    * uriRedirectorClass (mandatory=no,
    Determines the URI redirector class. The DeltaV URI redirector is in
    charge of the following redirections:
    - version URI to history URI, e.g. /history/2/1.4 to /history/2
    - latest revision number for history resource to 0.0
    - latest revision number for version resource to last URI token,
    e.g. /history/2/1.4 to 1.4
    It should be a loadable class containing the following static methods:
    - String redirectUri(String uri)
    - NodeRevisionNumber redirectLatestRevisionNumber(String uri)
    <parameter name="historypath">/history</parameter>
    <parameter name="workspacepath">/workspace</parameter>
    <parameter name="workingresourcepath">/workingresource</parameter>
    <parameter name="auto-version">checkout-checkin</parameter>
    <parameter name="auto-version-control">false</parameter>
    <parameter name="versioncontrol-exclude"/>
    <parameter name="checkout-fork">forbidden</parameter>
    <parameter name="checkin-fork">forbidden</parameter>

    <!-- Extractor configuration -->
        <extractor classname="org.apache.slide.extractor.SimpleXmlExtractor" uri="/files/articles/test.xml">
                <instruction property="title" xpath="/article/title/text()" />
                <instruction property="summary" xpath="/article/summary/text()" />
        <extractor classname="org.apache.slide.extractor.OfficeExtractor" uri="/files/docs/">
                <instruction property="author" id="SummaryInformation-0-4" />
                <instruction property="application" id="SummaryInformation-0-18" />

    <!-- Event configuration -->
        <event classname="org.apache.slide.webdav.event.WebdavEvent" enable="true" />
        <event classname="org.apache.slide.event.ContentEvent" enable="true" />
        <event classname="org.apache.slide.event.ContentEvent" method="retrieve" enable="false" />
        <event classname="org.apache.slide.event.EventCollection" enable="true" />
        <event classname="org.apache.slide.event.TransactionEvent" enable="true" />

        <event classname="org.apache.slide.event.MacroEvent" enable="true"/>

        <!--listener classname="org.apache.slide.util.event.EventLogger" /-->
        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.event.VetoableEventCollector" />
        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.event.TransientEventCollector" />
        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.webdav.event.NotificationTrigger">
                <notification include-events="false" />
                <persist-subscriptions filename="subscriptions.xml" />
        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.extractor.PropertyExtractorTrigger" />
        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.search.IndexTrigger">
                <indexer classname="org.apache.slide.search.LoggingIndexer" synchronous="false" uri="/files/articles" />
		<!-- Uncomment for cluster support. Be sure to local-host and repository-host -->
		<listener classname="org.apache.slide.cluster.ClusterCacheRefresher">
				<node local-host="local.host.domain"

        <listener classname="org.apache.slide.macro.MacroPropertyUpdater">
          <!-- Listener that updates some properties if resources are 
               copied or moved.  This requires MacroEvents enabled (at 
               least methods copy and move) -->

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