
I seem to have solved most of the problems I was having by downloading 2.1b2; however, I am now having trouble putting any but the smallest of files into slide, I have tried with compression on and off and auto-versioning on and off (as these seem to be mentioned a few times in realation to Oracle trounles); however whatever I do I seem to get one of the follow errors.

18 Nov 2004 11:11:13 - org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.StandardRDBMSAdapter - ERROR - java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream

18 Nov 2004 11:31:06 - org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.StandardRDBMSAdapter - WARNING - java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel

18 Nov 2004 11:40:08 - org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.StandardRDBMSAdapter - WARNING - java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset by peer: socket write error

I'm tearing my hair out here - any help would be greatly appreciated. I can give more details (domain.xml) and full stack traces if needed.

Many Thanks,


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