Hmmm, still a little bit confusing to me. I understand that
createResource is called with a specifc path is called, but you store
an id instead, right? So, the problem seems to be that the *client*
still tries to find that file by the oringal name as it has got no
idea of your change. I suppose after you issue a refresh in the client
everything works ok?

If this is your scenario there isn't pretty much you can do as you can
not force the client to refresh. Maybe mapping the original path to
your id would be the only solution...


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 23:39:02 -0800 (PST), EngR H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanz Oliver for the reply! :)
> Well, the symptoms are that when I try to create an item to my CMS through 
> the webdav servlet, an item is added by name not by Id so that when i open 
> it, my CMS complains that the id is not valid, (cos the diplay name is passed 
> istead of the id) that's why i need to know how to change the item url to 
> show the id instead of the name?? should I issue a refresh, (so that my CMS 
> reads the items by ID and set the label as the diplay name as needed) ?? or 
> is there another way??
> Thanx alot!
> Rony
> Oliver Zeigermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Oliver Zeigermann
> Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:59:55 +0100
> Subject: Re: WCK: A Question
> To: EngR H
> On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:06:55 -0800 (PST), EngR H wrote:
> >
> > Hi Oliver, thanks alot for the reply!
> > first of all, sorry for not being somehow to the point in my last mail.. may
> > be cos English is not my mother language :)
> > Well, concerning JAAS I didn't yet work wiz it ...
> English isn't my native language either, but people don't even
> understand me in German ;)
> > About the problem, caching is half the problem .. I'll try to explain :)
> >
> > getChildrenNames in my customization returns my CMS item id's not labels,
> > while labels are set as the display name property, so that items are seen
> > with their display name while they are recognized by the webdav server by
> > their id's, the problem is that when creating a new (folder/document) to the
> > webdav server, the folder name is added to the webdav children by name and a
> > new folder is added to my CMS. I need to let the webdav replace the folder
> > name with my CMS folder ID, is that possible ???
> Hmmm, not sure if this is such a good idea as some clients do not use
> the display name, but only the URL.
> Anyway, I think I understand the problem. What are the symptoms? Does
> the client see something wrong?
> Oliver
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