Maybe it has to do with Slide object cache. When you start Tomcat, does the first client that connects sees this slow reponse time?
Slide needs to load the objects from the store to process anything, of course, but they are cached. Subsequent operations are faster, specially searches which basically touch every object in the store (unless especial DASL indexing is used). I don't know but maybe the whole cache is being flushed when it gets full or something similar.


J H wrote:
I just sent a different response on my performance enhancements to date, but I'm still stuck on
one thing....

Thanks in advance for any input!

After we do PROPFINDS or SEARCHES for about 5 minutes with around 16-20 clients our system becomes very unresponsive for around 30 seconds to a minute. The responses normally come back in about 1 seconds or less and the response time does not DEGRADE until we see the first slow down. Tomcat seems to 'recover' from this slow down, but it's very annoying to teach my users that sometimes a query screen will show up in a second and other times they may have to wait until up to a minute!! After it returns from a minute response time, responses go back to normal.

I have done about all the diagnostics I can think of....

MSSQL Server (2 CPU System) never goes above 50%
The Tomcat 4.1.27 Process (on a 4 cpu system) uses up to 100% of all processors in slow periods and only about 75% maximum during the normal quick state.
We are using IIS to parse and send XMLHttp Requests, but this doesn't seem to be the problem (DLLHOST.exe isn't using much cpu power).
Using the java tags -Server -Xmx1380M -Xms1380M
We have created clustered indexes on the appropriate tables.
I have reviewed the Garbage collection and it says that the maximum time it ever spends doing garbage collection is 1/2 second, with a total of 14 seconds over a 3 minute span. One thing odd is that it says it's collecting over 40GB!! of data.

Any Advice or Hints would be GREATLY appreciated!!


From: Pontus Strand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <>
To: "Slide Users Mailing List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Performance issues
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 12:03:46 +0100


There has been some talk about performance issues previously on this list
and I would like to return to a couple of them as they are relevant to my
current project. Let me begin by describing our setup.

All files will be stored in a file system, most likely UNIX-based, and all
other data will be stored in a database, MySQL or possibly Oracle. All
access to Slide is done via a RMI-server that uses the Slide WebDAV Client.
So far we have used 2.1rc1 and before that 2.1b2.

The system that we are developing should be able to handle tens of thousands
of files, if not hundreds of thousands. At this point, after having run
various tests, we're quite concerned about Slide's performance.

Let us begin with the famous OutOfMemoryException-problem. Disabling the
cache only delays this issue, leaving us with the option to increase the
memory size for the JVM. Has anyone looked into it memory leaks related to
inserting new documents? Has any changes been done to that code since
2.1rc1? We would be willing to look into it, but at the moment we are hard
pressed by a looming deadline so we can't allocate resources to that problem
right now. We are going to "solve" the problem with an intermediate solution
consisting of:

1) Increase the JVM memory size
2) Modify the cache settings
3) Make sure that Slide is restarted frequently

The second issue we are having right now is that we see a linear increase in
the time it takes to add files to Slide. I saw an earlier post where someone
who put 2000 files in a collection ran into to problems and that he/she was
discouraged from having such large collections. And I believe that our
problem is related to this. However, we have tried to remedy the problem by
creating a new collection every 500 files. This resulted in a small
performance benefit but file 501 still took longer time to add than the
first file. We have the following questions:

- Is there an optimal maximum size for a collection?
- What is the best way to add large number of files? Does SLIDE treat
collections differently from files in terms of performance?
- How would one go about adding large number of files to Slide without
having to wait unreasonably long for document inserts?

Best regards
Pontus Strand

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