Andy Depue wrote:
None of these options seem very palatable to me. Am I missing something? Does Slide really not provide an easy way for me to supply it with the currently authenticated user AND his/her roles? To me, the ideal solution would be to hand Slide a preauthenticated token of some sort that says, "I've already authenticated this guy and vouch for him - oh, and btw, these are the roles he is granted."
Any information or help in this area is greatly appreciated!

No, there doesn't seem to be an easy way. You'll need to write your own store. You can take a look at the JNDIPrincipalStore which is close to what you want to do; it retrieves users and roles from an LDAP directory.

There was an idea of writing a store that retrieves users and roles from a JAAS LoginModule which is a standard way to plugin different authentication systems. However, there are issues about how to map the WebDAV model to JAAS. JAAS handles authentication but it doesn't seem to provide a way to list all users and roles, which is needed by Slide. Anyway, I may take a look at this later, but I don't know when I'll be able to do that.


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