I'm wondering if the WCK functionality will be
extended in future to support all WebDAV operations, i
see that the WebdavStoreAdapter class does all the
WebDAV work (and it looks like is able to perform all
WebDAV operations); the custom store i have to
implement, consists of implementing an interface used
by WebdavStoreAdapter (the BasicWebdavStore
interface), so i guess it will be no problem to
include in that interface methods regarding
versioning...correct? are there any planns on doing
this? are there any reasons why this should't be done?


--- Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Someone correct me if I'm wrong - but WCK only
> allows use of Basic 
> WebDAV functionality and not things such as the
> Delta V addon (versioning).
> You're better off figuring out custom store
> implentation that uses WCK 
> that some how links with either CVS or Subversion
> Catalin Kormos wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >I've seen some post about a virtual file system, an
> >this is something i would like to do also, and WCK
> >seems the right solution. My requirements say that
> the
> >user should see the documents hieracy (categories
> and
> >subcategories) in a language choosed by them; so i
> >need to have a structure that will be seen by users
> in
> >multiple languages. This can be resolved by
> >implementing a custom store on top of the one
> provided
> >by WCK, please correct if i'm wrong, or it could be
> >other better ways of doing this. Can i use the
> >versioning features of Slide using WCK? 
> >
> >
> >     
> >             
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