I am working on a project in which we would like to embed the slide
server into our existing webapp. Ideally, we would have slide as one
servlet within the webapp, and another servlet to provide a management
UI for the end-user.

We've looked at the client and server APIs and the server API seems to
make more sense in our case. Since we are running in the same context,
it didn't seem necessary to have the extra overhead associated with
the slide-client HTTP calls. How are others solving this problem? Any

Given that we want to use the server API directly, we've been able to
mock up a very simple file browser. It creates a nice tree, but
there's one hitch: we can't see the API calls to determine whether the
given node is a collection (folder, directory) or just a file. We've
tried the Content and Structure helper interfaces, but with no luck.
Is there a way to do this with the server API?

BTW: I tried searching for these answers first, but w/o any luck. I'll
be sure to add what we learn here to the wiki to build the docbase.

Many thanks,


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