> > Looks like the permissions are commented out. If you actually
> authenticate users,
> >  you shouldn't specify "unauthenticated" as a subject - try 
> something
> like this:
> >     <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode"
> uri="/">
> >                <permission action="all" subject="all"
> inheritable="true"/>
> >           ...
> >       </objectnode>
> Andrey,
> The permissions were commented out to find the bug.  I added 
> a line similar to the one your provided, and I still get 
> access exceptions.
> Eventually, I would need to turn permissions back on, but for 
> now, not even the root user can create a new file.  I can 
> update existing ones (created with Slide 2.0 before upgrading 
> to 2.1) and checkout files, but I cannot create new files.

I'm working with the 2.0 so it ought to be the 2.1 problem. And can a user
(say, root) actually put a file using a WebDAV client?

Yours sincerely,

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