Hello Ruan,


 From what I've read in this mailing list, you'll only need to use the
client  wevdav package, but that is not enough because M$ might have added
proprietary extensions on the exchange access, and forbidden the usage of
the standard one. :P

 I believe you should start by looking M$ documentation about webdav
alternate commands (like BPROPFIND or so) to access exchange, and search on
this mailing list history for anything to do with exchange.


 Best regards,

 Miguel Figueiredo



From: Ebersohn, Mr R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: sexta-feira, 1 de Abril de 2005 10:06
To: slide-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Using slide to access MS Exchange


Hi my name is Ruan; I am a postgraduate student at the Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University. I am currently doing a project where I need access
to MS exchange server so to be able to get information about appointments
and tasks of a user in Java. I have just downloaded slide. I don't know the
first place to start and I have been researching this for days now. It seems
Slide is the way to go, can you by any chance give me any pointers on how to
use slide and any documentation for coding using slide to connect to
exchange. I am running an apache server currently.



Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you 



Mr Ruan Ebersohn

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

PO Box 77000

Port Elizabeth 6031


Tel.: 27-41-504 2093








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