Sorry to followup on myself...
I seem to have found a workaround to the loading problem. I'm now not using the JAASLoginModule for authentication. Instead, I just configure its properties when my adapter is loaded, so that it hands out connections made by my session manager.
This works, but... Not how I had hoped. My session manager is being called, but it gets called for *every request*. I had hoped that it would be called once, then to use that connection for several calls to my adapter, and a call to closeAuthenticationSession() when the client (Windows 2000 Explorer) disconnects.
I guess I could use the supplied connection pool, but my adapter holds a lot of state (it represents a virtual file system), so I'd like to have it reused for subsequent requests, but no longer than necessary. Also, this would be little better than dropping the whole session manager, maintaining a map of sessions and just timing them out myself - an approach I've been trying to avoid.
Any thoughts?

On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:35:59 +0200, Michiel Konstapel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've successfully run both the reference implementation and my own WCK store under JBoss 3.0.8. However, it seems the only way to maintain a session/connection over multiple requests is to supply my own SessionAuthenticationManager.
To do so, I've configured JBoss's login-config.xml and and Slide's jboss-web.xml to access an authentication realm that uses the WCK JAASLoginModule, which is configured to use my SessionAuthenticationManager. So far, so good...
However, in order for JBoss security to find these classes, they have to be put into the jboss/server/<configuration>/lib directory (because stuff in the deploy directory is loaded later and/or by a different class loader). I hoped to get away with just Slide's wck and jaas JARs, as well as my SessionAuthenticationManager. Unfortunately, loading the JAASLoginModule apparently triggers the initialisation of the domain. This means that basically all of Slide is getting loaded, ClassNotFoundExceptions abound and I keep copying more and more JARs from Slide's WEB-INF/lib directory, which I obviously would rather like to avoid.
Is there a way to separate the authentication process from the loading of Slide itself?

Kind regards,
Michiel Konstapel

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