Volker Cordes wrote:
I want to use slide without the webdav servlet. I wrote a little program to test the installation.
But when creating new objects I only get Exceptions.

We ran into similar problems. I don't know if it is a bug or feature, but we decided to call it Slide evil-bit since it was so "evil" to find out. ;-)

Insert "evilBit();" call before this line (and anywhere before starting
TX with nat.begin if the transaction contains a structure creation call):

Function specification:

    private void evilBit() {
        /* From webdavservlet (mkCol)
         * "Prevent dirty reads"

        /* JavaDoc for above:
         * Force store enlistment flag mutator.
         * If set to true, that will cause Slide to enlist the store
         * in the current transaction for all operations, to be able
         * to prevent dirty reads when doing complex updates.
         * That value should be set to true only in some very specific
         * critical sections of the code, as this would greatly decrease
         * the ability of Slide to handle multiple concurrent requests.

NB: I am not a Slide developer! This is just something a colleague of mine
found out and that worked for us.

I would be happy if someone else could explain this in detail or comment
if it is the endorsed "Slide kernel-way" of doing things.


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