There sould be an <permissions> section in the metadata xml files like the 

<permission subjectUri="unauthenticated" actionUri="all" inheritable="true" negative="false" />
<permission subjectUri="/roles/user" actionUri="/actions/write" inheritable="true" negative="false" />
<permission subjectUri="owner" actionUri="/actions/read-acl" inheritable="true" negative="false" />


Michael Oliver wrote:

I am using the TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore and I was using the command
line line to set an acl when I inadvertently granted read-acl on /slide/
to all.  The how is that I was navigating around granting permissions
and got distracted and was at /slide/ and didn't realize it.

Now when I do acl on anything I see

granted to all (not protected) (inherited from '/slide/') DAV:read-acl


denied to all (not protected) (inherited from '/slide/') DAV:read-acl

revoke doesn't have any affect

Where are the acls stored in xml for /slide/ so I can fix more directly?

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
3325 N. Nellis Blvd, #1
Las Vegas, NV 89115
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Clive Borrageiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:35 AM
To: 'Slide Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: failed to programatically upload file

Hi Zoltan,

That is correct! I have found that Slide is not clearly documented; but
under the roadmap link on the website; slide documentation, snippets,
tutorials etc. is in progress. Hope that will shed some light on slide!

The problem I have encountered is large file transfer! (files > 2GB) I
applied the patch from Onion networks but I am still having issues.

So if anyone has done large file (> 2GB) uploads & downloads using Jetty
Slide; please throw any suggestions my way!


-----Original Message-----
From: Zoltan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 February 2005 06:23 PM
To: 'Slide Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: failed to programatically upload file

Hello Clive,

I followed your suggestion and it worked! Thanks a lot.

So the wdr.putMethod(fileName) will work only if passed the complete URL
the Slide server concatenated with the name of the file to upload? If
this is not very clearly documented...



I had the same problem; try doing the following:

File fn = new File(fileName);
String path = "http://localhost:8080/slide/files/"; + fn.getName();
wdr.putMethod(path, fn);

Hope that helps!


I have downloaded and deployed slide.war to my Jboss 4.0.1 deploy folder
(under Windows XP SP1).
On the client side, I have jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.1.jar in my build
I've tried to upload a file using the following snippet of code:


HttpURL hrl = new HttpURL(url);

            WebdavResource wdr = new WebdavResource(hrl);

            File fn = new File(fileName);




        catch(MalformedURLException mue)


String msg = "(UploadFile) execute : wrong fileName passed:
" +
fileName; log.debug (msg, mue);

catch(HttpException he)
String msg = "(UploadFile) execute : HTTP exception occured
"; log.debug (msg, he);
catch(IOException ioe)
String msg = "(UploadFile) execute : IO exception occured ";

log.debug (msg, ioe);
} At run-time the url passed is : http://localhost:8080/slide/files and
fileName is /DJ/images/16.jpg (the correct location of the file on my
machine). The upload fails and I see the following on the Jboss console:

12:05:31,359 INFO  [STDOUT] http-, 08-Feb-2005
12:05:31, unauthenticated, PROPFIND, 207 "Multi-Status", 31 ms, /files

12:05:31,578 INFO  [STDOUT] http-, 08-Feb-2005
12:05:31, unauthenticated, PUT, 403 "Forbidden", 0 ms, /files

I read some articles about authentication problems with Slide and, as a
result, I have modified the domain.xml file like:

                <permission action="all" subject="/roles/root"

                <permission action="/actions/read-acl" subject="all"
inheritable="true" negative="true"/>

                <permission action="/actions/write-acl" subject="all"
inheritable="true" negative="true"/>

                <permission action="/actions/unlock" subject="all"
inheritable="true" negative="true"/>

                <permission action="/actions/read" subject="all"

                <!-- /users -->

classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users">

                    <permission action="all" subject="self"

                    <!--<permission action="all"
inheritable="true" negative="true"/>-->

                    <permission action="/actions"

                    <!-- /users/root represents the administrator -->

classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/root">


namespace=""; name="password"/>



                    <!-- /users/john and /users/john2 represent
authenticated users -->

classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/john">


namespace=""; name="password"/>



classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/john2">


namespace=""; name="password"/>



                    <!-- /users/guest represents an authenticated or
unauthenticated guest user -->

classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/guest">


namespace=""; name="password"/>




Note: I don't have any problems in uploading the same file using the

[LOCALHOST:/slide/files/] C:\jakarta-slide-webdavclient-bin-2.1\bin $
Could anyone tell me what do I do wrong? Is there a configuration issue?
Kind regards,

Zoltan Lazar

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