Hi. I'm new to Slide and am interested in using it to provide webDAV
implemented on top of another CMS. I found the IntroFullCustomStore page
on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-slide/IntroFullCustomStore),
which details what I need to do. I am confused by the following

"Anyway, looking at your store this way you have to specify six
interfaces - and an optional one - for a complete store definition.
Additionally, you will need to implement an XAResource to let your store
participate in a distributed transaction. This interface is specified by
the  JTA and is needed by Slide's internal transaction manager which
also is more or less compliant to the JTA. Slide also requires the
implementation of org.apache.slide.common.Service. I'd recommend to
start from AbstractServiceBase as it sensibly implements many of the
methods in Service interface."

The six interfaces are later listed as: 

1: RevisionDescriptorStore
2: ContentStore
3: RevisionDescriptorsStore
4: NodeStore
5: SecurityStore
6: LockStore

According to the above paragraph, I also need to implement Service and
XAResource, which makes for eight types to implement and I'm unsure
about what is supposed to the the "optional" one that I apparently
*must* implement, as well. Will someone clarify this for me?


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