I don't understand.
You create the NotificationListener pointing to the webdav-domain (e.g. 
/exchange oder /slide or whatever the root of your webdav server is).
Then you can subscribe to as many resources as you like.


"Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org> schrieb am 12.05.05 
> Hi all 
> I have a doubt on the slide client API : if you look @ the 
> NotificationListener constructor you have to pass the path of the resource 
> you want to listen to ; the subscribe method takes, again, a uri as a 
> parameter making me think that I can have 1 listener attached to, for 
> example, /slide/files and as many subscribers as I need "subscribed" (sorry 
> for the game) to different uris via the same listener. 
> Is this correct or there are some bits I am not getting ? 
> TIA 
> Marco
> -- 
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