    I'm having problems getting Slide working with Weblogic8.1 SP4 (works
fine with Tomcat).
I've followed the weblogic config advice in the slide wiki, and it
(apparently) deploys nicely - however http://localhost:7001/slide/
<http://localhost:7001/slide/>  returns a 404 file not found, and connecting
with DavExplorer returns DAV Interpreter: 400 bad request.
The weblogic log looks like the following (for the davexplorer failed
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:14, root, OPTIONS, 200 "OK", 311 ms, /index.jsp
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:20, root, OPTIONS, 200 "OK", 50 ms, /index.jsp
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
26-May-2005 13:39:20, root, PROPFIND, 400 "Bad Request", 20 ms, /index.jsp
I thought it could be the default of WLS of not generating a directory
page... so in my weblogic.xml I included 
but that didn't sort it.
This may well be a really obvious one- but I can't see what is the problem.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
Other config information :
I'm using WLS 8.1  SP4 on WinXP, with JDK1.4.2_5 (though also tried with the
beta of wls9.0 and got the same problem - I swapped back to 8.1 wondering if
it was the behaviours of 9.0 that was causing the problem). I'm using the
default file based repository (as specified in a vanilla domain.xml). There
are no errors in the wls log as it starts up, just lots of INFO messages as
various things are initialised.
I'm using BASIC authentication (and that seems to be functioning correctly -
I was also using basic authentication in the Tomcat setup, and that both
seemed to be working, and the webdav bits were working too). In WLS, the
authentication seems to be working correctly, however the webdav bit is not
Thanks again,
Chris Charlton

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