I'm jumping into an area I don't have a lot of experience in, so please
forgive any ignorance on my part...

I would like to build a search client for one of my Slide stores using
WebDAV for communication, searching, and retrieving of metadata and
related files.  We have not defined how the metadata should be stored,
and that brings me up to the next subject.

A 'generic' search client using just DASL may not know what properties
are available to search by for a repository or a collection (i.e.
DAV:displayname, CUSTOMNS:address,CUSTOMNS:phone,
FAX:originatingnumber...would like to automatically display what
properties are available).  Would RDF-based metadata (RDF = Resource
Descriptive Framework) solve this problem, and if so, anyone have an
implementation they could provide as an example?


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