Hello Julian,

 First, witch version do you have? If it's a recent one like 2.0 and the
stores u are using are the TxFileContentStore and TxXMLFileDescriptorsStore,
I believe it's enough for you to copy the contents of directory to witch
slide stores data for the place where 2.1 Slide is expecting the data to
exist. If it later than 2.0 give it a try also : )

 Second, if you use GET and PUT you may not have same results since
metainformation stored along the resources would banish. It should be more a
GET&PUT followed by PROPFIND&PROPPATCH and ACL&ACL... and I'm not sure if
you were using versioning.

 Hope this helps,
 Miguel Figueiredo

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 17 de Maio de 2006 18:00
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Slide Migration: File Dump and Store Change

Hi all,

I am running an old version of Slide and would like to upgrade to 2.1.  What
is the best way to get my FileStore running in the new slide?  In this
process I would like to transfer the storage of the Descriptor store to the
database from the XMLDescriptor store (which btw isn't compatible with the
new xml schema), but not sure how.  Is a GET from one repository followed by
a PUT to another my best option?


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