Thank you for your answers Arne and Roland,

But what do you think?

Because our project wants to have additional WebDAV capacities I'd prefer extend a existing server coming form a active community and not fork from jackrabbit or slide WebDAV server and maintain this one.

Do you think this is possible? Of course we have to make a clean work in order to not disfigure jackrabbit WebDAV server with specific package with extra WebDAV plug-ins for example.

Additionally some work could have interest in a JCR approach. Excuse for my poor knowledge about JCR... In our project we have interests in:
- Authentication (LDAP, SSO, Shibboleth)
- Authorization (ACP existing in jackrabbit. Isn't it? + External group management)
- Quota
Are these aspects may have some interest in Jackrabbit project? Because of JCR approach I think (do you confirm?) that Quota is not well locate in WebDAV server but what about AutN and AuthZ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Arne v.Irmer a écrit :
Their "simple" or "default" WebDAV server. That doesn't mean it can't
be extended to JSR-170 + additional APIs for addressing additional
functionality. Of course that's something that would need to be

I agree with you. But that is not in the interest of the

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